Understanding the Direct Project

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Understanding the Direct ProjectCloudPrime Blog

Looking through some of the recent announcements on the Direct Project, it is not completely clear what NHIN is trying to represent if you are an EMR, Health Care Professional or Health Information Service Professional (HISP).

NHIN’s Direct Project is providing a specification and guidance on how interfaces can be built to exchange information in a secure, encrypted way using “email like” addresses on a network.

This is great! This is not an implementation though.

Health care professionals or ISVs who are looking at the Direct Project to solve their connectivity problems will need to understand that an interface will still need to be built, and encryption and key management will still need to be licensed in order to ensure all data is securely sent and in compliance.

This is a great step forward, and standards help drive adoption and innovation, so we will be excited to see how the trials turn out.

NHIN The Direct Project Overview

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